Recently we have installed a couple of 2 – Story Window Treatments or Tall windows. They make for very interesting installs and lots of work in the workroom. There is a lot more that goes into planning, making and installing window treatments that are way up high. The two jobs that we recently finished are actually very different in a couple of ways and similar in others. The way they are different is the first one is in an atrium window, so when you are looking at it, it looks like a regular size window treatment until you go up to it and look down.
With this install we had to work around stairs, and a light. We were able to use a couple of different ladders on this install, on the first panel we were able to install it using the landing, so only needed the 16′ extension ladder. With the rest of the panels we brought in the 24′ extension ladder and used the extension ladder along side it to hand things up.
A view looking up from the lower level.
A close up of the panel showing off the pleats and beautiful fabric the client chose.
The Finished Product!
The other installation was an actual 2 Story Room with several large windows.
In this install, we had to put in the tableaux in the upper arched windows. Tableaux is a light weight material that looks like wrought iron. Then the medallions are installed and the drapes and swags are attached to the medallions.
There were 2 Tall windows and 3 of the arch windows. The designer Heather Hannick designed the tableaux and had templates made to create the tableaux which came from Helser Brothers.
For this install we used a couple of ladders. The tall 24′ extension ladder and a step-ladder. We used the step-ladder to hand up tools, drapes, etc, to cut out some of the trips up and down the ladder.
After they were all hung, tiebacks were then added for that extra touch!
And the install was complete!
Here are a few other window treatments that we have install in the past, just to give you some ideas if you have the large wall of windows in your home.
This is a large bay window, that we used panels between each window and simple banner valances over the top of them.
In this one the window is basically the same, but the client only wanted panels in the side window and we also used a simple banner valance at the top, with a different shape.

Designed by Discount Draperies.
In this one the designer chose to mount the drapes on boards and add finals to the ends to create the look of rods. She also added tiebacks to create a very elegant look.
These are not 2 Story, but very tall windows where the designer used a single rod with rings and had the panels between each window.
So if you have tall windows remember a few things when you start planning. They take more fabric, lining, and time to create, and more time to install. It is not easy moving a 24′ ladder in a home that has furniture, lights, and sometimes people in the way, so we have to plan for all of it and move carefully. But once it is finished the results are fabulous! When you have windows that large and you put fabric up it warms up the whole space, and makes the room feel and look so much better!
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